Friday, December 29, 2006

Bottoms up!! (and why not enjoy a bit of fornication while at it)

Here is an intriguing New Years thought provided by Charles Taylor: "in the united states in the 1820s liqueur consumption was 4 times per capita what it is today" (2006: 288). We've got some catching up to do America (Steve Colbert would love this insight).

Oh blog, I stopped reading too soon! Haste, the death of me. Taylor continues (I think he was there): "Along with drink (also aiding and abetting it) were other favored activities: cruel sports, gambling, sexual promiscuity (otherwise know as fornication - one of my favourite words in existence)". Yes, that last comment was also Taylor's. In case anyone should desire to read this article it is titled "Religious Mobilizations" and was published in Public Culture 18:2, with a few other essays on secularization (and fornication).

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