Best Contemporary Theology Meme
So I'm participating in a theologyblogs meme, in which you list the "best" contemporary works in theology over the last 25 years and the results are tallied through google. My Caveat: I'm listing the works that have taught me the most over the last little while, not necessarily "the best" - I'm not sure I could be the judge of that.
1. David Bentley Hart. The Beauty of the Infinite (2003).
2. Graham Ward. Christ and Culture (especially the last chapter on Desire and Suffering)(2005).
3. A Tie: Francesca Murphy. Christ the Form of Beauty: A Study in Theology and Literature, and Catherine Pickstock's critique of univocity of being in Theology and the Political (2005).
My vote would be anything by Woody Allen, but most of the best ones are older than 25 years. Too bad.
You know, it's scary these days. Usually my benchmark for 25 yrs is 1975, but now that it is 2007, 25 years ago was 1982. Freak out!
I still thought, "ah, a new book" when I saw 1989, until recently, when I had to face the fact that that isn't so very new.
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