Friday, April 27, 2007

The Cat Came Back (the very next day)

Kill the fatted calf, the prodigal has come home. Last night at around this time (7:00)I heard a little peep at the door. I'd been bothered all day, worried that she had gotten into some rat poison or something. But at 7:00 I heard he cry and ran for the door. Sure enough, she pranced in crying quite a bit, and running crazily for her food bowl. I couldn't extract a story from her, but I was glad to have her. About 15 mins later, Amanda came home. I ran out side in my bare feet (I had just come home from a run) with Kitster. Gene our old spinster next door, was on her deck. She asked me if I missed our cat? She said that some how Kitster got stuck in her garage overnight.
I had actually thought of this possibility, but I figured that she would be let out in the morning. It was 7:00 pm when she came home. Gene uses a car port, but some how Kitster has snuck into her closed portion. When Gene came home, she heard the cry, and loosed the lost.

And I'm very grateful.

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