Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Well, I've been maxing and relaxing in Colorado for about five days now. I'm not reading all that much, (though I did finish the future of religion by Rorty and Vattimo just before I left). I wrote my last comp exam on May 11 and I've been letting the brain heal since then. I hooked up with an old buddy from highschool in Colorado Springs. We had a great time. Attended New Life Church at his request. It was quite moving for me, though my wife was skeptical about the performance element in the worship. It was very interesting to see what they were doing post-Ted Haggart. I wonder if NLC doesn't know more about the future of religion then Rorty and Vattimo (still thinking about this one). We did some white water rafting later that day. We're now in Denver, and I've got a new SLR - the Nikon D80 - so I'll have lots of pics to post when I return. I haven't really taken a lot of joy from photography since I returned from Korea and found out film was so expensive to use in Canada. But the Nikon D80 fixes all that. I think this will prove to be a nice pass time - get me out of the books, but still flexing my creative and analytical muscles. Plus I love what the practice of photography makes me notice about the world around me. The phenomenology of a photographer is quite interesting. I'm sure I'll post more on this in the future. We head to Grand Junction tomorrow for a family wedding. Snappy dappy do. Until next time!

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